
University of Florida neuroradiologists reading imaging at UF Health Jacksonville.
Emilio P. Supsupin Jr., M.D.
Emilio P. Supsupin Jr., M.D. Chief

The division of neuroradiology in the department of radiology at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville provides clinical, coverage and teaching at the UF Health Jacksonville and UF Health North hospitals, as well as at outpatient facilities affiliated with UF Health. The division consists of full-time neuroradiology faculty who have diverse clinical and research interests in brain, spine and head and neck imaging.

Patient Care

Neuroradiology is at the center of the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. Our neuroradiologists use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) ultrasound and plain x-rays in the diagnosis of disease. All examinations are interpreted on a state-of-the-art picture archiving communication system (Visage PACS).

Our division encompasses all diagnostic imaging studies performed on the central and peripheral nervous system as well as the head and neck and skull base. UF Health Jacksonville is one of the major academic health centers in Northeast Florida. UF Health TraumaOne is the only Level I adult and pediatric trauma center serving Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia.

Our state-of-the-art equipment includes 64 and dual source 256-slice channel scanners, multiple MRI magnets including an open 1.2 Tesla (T), several 1.5 T and 3.0 T Siemens systems.

The UF Health Neuroscience Institute at UF Health Jacksonville is a designated comprehensive stroke center. We provide state-of-the-art stroke care including CT perfusion, MRI perfusion, RAPID and the full range of revascularization and critical care. In addition, we provide imaging services for the Skull Base Center, UF Health Proton Therapy Institute and Spine Center.


The division of neuroradiology provides a well-structured educational program for medical students, residents and fellows — including a one-year neuroradiology fellowship — with daily teaching at the workstation, educational conferences and interdisciplinary conferences.


The division of neuroradiology at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville is committed to fostering research by the faculty and residents. This institution has been engaged in clinically applied research for many years and is enriched by the presence of faculty who have demonstrated excellence in performing research and in training new investigators.

For details about individual faculty research interests, please view their bios on the faculty page.

Contact Us

For information on the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville division of neuroradiology, please contact:


Division of Neuroradiology
UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville
655 West 8th Street, C90
2nd Floor, Clinical Center
Jacksonville, FL 32209